hereditary pattern

hereditary patternhereditary pattern
  1. Pedigree analysis suggested an autosomal dominant hereditary pattern in the two pedigrees .


  2. 【 Objectives 】 To research hereditary pattern , clinical features , EEG and chromosomes in one family with benign familial infantile convulsion .


  3. On contrast , the relative biomass of shoot had high narrow-sense heredity ( 43.1 % ), it means that the hereditary pattern of relative biomass of shoot mainly was additive effects .


  4. The gene of that disease is located at 12q23 ~ 24.1 . Conclusions : The hereditary pattern of the actinic porokeratosis of " Hunan family " is autosomal dominant disease .


  5. Three families , 17 patients 34 eyes with congenital nuclear cataract are reported in this article . It showed that hereditary pattern in pedigree one and two is autosomal dominant inheritance ( AD ), and in pedigree three autosomal recessive inheritance ( AR ) .


  6. A Survey on the Hereditary Tendency of the Pattern of Heart - Blood Stasis - Obstruction


  7. Objective To understand the hereditary susceptibility and theoccurrence pattern of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer ( HNPCC ) in members of the families with a clear family history .


  8. The results indicated that the relative biomass ( Al / CK ) of root had high hereditary variance , the broad-sense heredity reached 78.6 % , but narrow-sense heredity only had 15.4 % . Its hereditary pattern mainly was dominant effects .
